About us

The main purpose of Sport Club do Porto is to develop activities aimed at enhancing sport, culture and quality of life in general, also with a view to realizing social rights, namely: a) Promoting physical culture among its members associates; b) Develop the practice of sport, in any modality, in full compliance with the Olympic, Paralympic and amateur ideals; c) Provide and support people with disabilities and disability in the practice of physical activity and sports as a means of promoting equality, integration and social inclusion in the community; d) Foster the social, recreational and cultural action of its members; e) Implement an education and training project through sport and for sport; f) Create infrastructures for the temporary residence of sports practitioners; g) Cooperate with the State, Municipalities and other institutions.

Legal Information:
Agentes de Animação Turística
Registo 867/2022

Data do Registo: 2022-11-07
Tipo de Registo: Empresa de Animação Turística
Denominação Social / Nome: SPORT CLUB DO PORTO
NIPC / NIF : 500843074
Website: www.sportclubdoporto.com
Morada (sede): Rua de Santa Catarina 132 – 4000-442 PORTO
Concelho: Porto
Distrito: Porto
ERT/DRT: Turismo do Porto e Norte de Portugal
NUT III: Área Metropolitana do Porto
NUT II: Norte
Contact: info@dourorowingtour.com